حلم و تأويل رؤيا الرؤيا على أول عابر

حلم و تأويل رؤيا الرؤيا على أول عابر

حلم و تأويل رؤيا الرؤيا على أول عابر ومن الرؤيا التي أولها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مرتين أو ثلاثا فوقعت على وفق تأويله ثم أولتها عائشة –رضي الله عنها- بخلاف ما كان رسول الله
صلى الله عليه وسلم يؤولها عليه فوقعت على وفق تأويل عائشة -رضي الله عنها- وقد جاء ذلك فيما رواه سليمان ابن يسار عن عائشة زوج النبي صلى الله
عليه وسلم -رضي الله عنها- قالت: كانت امرأة من أهل المدينة لها زوج تاجر يختلف فكانت ترى رؤيا كلما غاب عنها زوجها وقلما يغيب إلا تركها حاملا
فتأتي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فتقول: إن زوجي خرج تاجرا فتركني حاملا فرأيت فيما يرى النائم أن سارية بيتي انكسرت وأني ولدت غلاما أعور
فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (خير زوجك عليك إن شاء الله تعالى صالحا وتلدين غلاما برا)
فكانت تراها مرتين أو ثلاثا كل ذلك تأتي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فيقول ذلك لها فيرجع زوجها وتلد غلاما فجاءت يوما كما كانت تأتيه ورسول الله
صلى الله عليه وسلم غائب وقد رأت تلك الرؤيا فقلت لها: عم تسألين رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يا أمة الله؟ فقالت: رؤيا كنت أراها فاتي رسول الله
صلى الله عليه وسلم فأسأله عنها فيقول خيرا فيكون كما قال فقلت: فأخبريني ما هي؟ قالت: حتى يأتي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فأرعضها عليه كما
كنت أعرض فوالله ما تركتها حتى أخبرتني فقلت: والله لئن صدقت رؤياك ليموتن زوجك ولتلدن غلاما فاجرا فقعدت تبكي وقالت: مالي حين عرضت عليك
رؤياي فدخل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهي تبكي فقال لها: (ما لها ياعائشة)؟ فأخبرته الخبر وما تأولت لها فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
(مه ياعائشة إذا عبرتم للمسلم الرؤيا فاعبروها على خير فإن الرؤيا تكون على ما يعبرها صاحبها) فمات والله زوجها ولا اراها إلا ولدت ولدا فاجرا .

hulm w tawil ruya alruwya ealaa ‘awal eabir hulm w tawil ruya alruwya ealaa ‘awal eabir wamin alruwya alati awlha rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam maratayn ‘aw thulathana fawaqaet ealaa wfq tawiluh thuma ‘awlataha eayishat -rdi allah eanaha- bikhilaf ma kan rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam yawuwiluha ealayh fawaqaeat ealaa wfq tawil eayishat -rdi allah eanha- waqad ja’ dhlk fima rawaah sulayman abn yasar ean eayishat zawj alnabii salaa allah ealayh wasalam -rdi allah eanha- qalata: kanat aimra’atan min ‘ahl almadinat laha zawj taajir yakhtalif fakanat taraa ruyana kulama ghab eanha zawjiha waqulama yaghib ‘iilaa tarakaha hamilaan fatati rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam fataqula: ‘iina zawji kharaj tajiraan fatarakuni hamilaan fara’ayt fima yaraa alnaayim ‘ana sariatan bayti ankasarat wa’aniy wulidat ghulamana ‘aeur faqal rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam (khir zawjak ealayk ‘in sha’ allh taealaa salihana watuladiyn ghulamana bara) fakanat taraha maratayn ‘aw thulathana kla dhlk tati rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam fayaqul dhlk laha fayarjie zawjiha watulada ghulamana faja’at yawmaan kama kanat tatih warasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam ghayib waqad ra’at tilk alruwya faqult laha: em tas’alin rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam ya ‘umat allaha? faqalat: ruyana kunt ‘araha fati rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam fa’as’alah eanha fayaqul khayrana fayakun kama qal faqulta: fa’akhbarini ma hia? qalata: hataa yati rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam fa’areadha ealayh kama kunt ‘aerad fawallah ma tarakatha hataa ‘akhbartani faqulata: wallah layin sadaqt ruyak layamutun zawjak walatuladuna ghulamana fajirana faqaeadat tubaki waqalata: mali hin earadat ealayk ruyay fadakhal rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam wahi tubki faqal laha: (ma laha yaeayishata)? fa’akhbarath alkhabar wama ta’awalat laha faqal rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam (mh yaeayishat ‘iidha eabiratm lilmuslim alruwya faeburuha ealaa khayr fa’iina alruwya takun ealaa ma yaeburuha sahibuha) famat wallah zawjiha Dream and interpretation of the vision of vision on the first transient
Dream and interpretation of the vision of the vision of the first passing and the vision that the first Messenger of Allah peace be upon him two or three times fell on the interpretation and then Aisha Aisha – may Allah be pleased with them – contrary to what was the Messenger of God
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) passed it and fell on the basis of the interpretation of ‘Aa’ishah – may Allaah be pleased with her – and this was narrated in the hadeeth narrated by Sulaiman Ibn Yassar from’ Aa’ishah, the husband of the Prophet
On him – may Allah be pleased with – she said: A woman from the people of the city has a husband different dealer was seeing a vision whenever her husband missed and rarely miss but left pregnant
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came and said: My husband went out of the shop and left me pregnant, and I saw what the sleeper saw that my house was broken and that I was born a blind boy
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best of your husband is upon you, God willing,
And she saw it two or three times. All of this came the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and he said this to her. Her husband returned and gave birth to a boy. Then she came to the same day as she came and the Messenger of Allah
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was absent and she saw that vision. I said to her: Do you ask the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the nation of Allaah? She said: I saw a vision I missed the Messenger of God
(Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked him about it and he said good. She said: until the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Vrddha it as
I was offering Fowlh what I left until you told me I said: And God, if you believe your visions to give up your husband and give birth to a girl Vajra I stood up crying and said: Mali when I offered you
My vision entered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him crying when he said to her: (What is Yaaisha)? So he told him the news and what he had given her, and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said
“If you cross the Muslim vision, then pass it on to the best, the vision will be on what the owner of it) Vthm God and her husband I see only born a child Vajra.

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