حلم و تأويل رؤيا رأى أنه يكون من أحفظ الناس للحديث
حلم و تأويل رؤيا رأى أنه يكون من أحفظ الناس للحديث
حلم و تأويل رؤيا رأى أنه يكون من أحفظ الناس للحديث رأى أنه يكون من أحفظ الناس للحديث فكان كذللك
101 – يعتبر الإمام المحدث الجهبذ أبو زرعة الرازى أحد حفاظ الدنيا ، فما نعمة الله عليه فى ذلك وماذا يقول ؟ قال : رأيت فيما يرى النائم كأنى فى مسجد النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم – وكأنى أمسح يدى على منبر النبى – صلى الله عليه وسلم –
موضع المقعد والذى يليه والذى ثم أمسكته ،فقصصته على رجل من أهل سجستان كان معنا بحران . فقال : هذا أنت تعنى بحديث النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم – والصحابة والتابعين وكنت إذ ذاك لا أحفظ كثير شىء من مسائل الأوزاعى ومالك والثورى وغيرهم ، ثم عنيت به بعد (2) .
وتحققت الرؤيا وأصبح من أحفظ الناس للحديث حتى قال عنه الإمام أحمد :أنه يحفظ أكثر من ستمائة ألف حديث
hulm w tawil ruyana ra’aa ‘anah yakun min ‘ahfaz alnaas lilhadith hulm w tawil ruyana ra’aa ‘anah yakun min ‘ahfaz alnaas lilhadith ra’aa ‘anah yakun min ‘ahfaz alnaas lilhadith fakan kadhllik 101 – yuetabar al’imam almahadath aljahbadh ‘abu zireat alraazaa ahd hifaz aldunya , fama niemat allah ealayh fa dhlk wamadha yaqul ? qal : ra’ayt fima yaraa alnaayim ka’unaa fa masjid alnabaa -slaa allah ealayh wasalam – waka’anana ‘amsah yudaa ealaa minbar alnabaa – salaa allah ealayh wasalam – mawdie almaqead waldhaa yalih waldhaa thuma ‘amsakatuh ,faqussatuh ealaa rajul min ‘ahl sujstan kan maeana bihran . faqal : hdha ‘ant tuenaa bihadith alnabaa -slaa allah ealayh wasalam – walsahhabat walttabiein wakunt ‘iidh dhak la ‘ahfiz kthyr sha’ min masayil al’awzaeaa wamalik walthawraa waghyruhum , thuma euniat bih baed (2) . watahaqaqat alruwya wa’asbah min ‘ahfaz alnaas lilhadith hta qal eanh al’imam ‘ahmad :anah yahfaz ‘akthar min situmiayat ‘alf hadith
A dream and interpretation of a vision that he saw to be the one who saves people to talk
A dream and interpretation of a vision that he saw to be one of the people who saved the talk, he saw that it is someone who saves people to talk was like you
101 – The Imam, the modern imam of Abu Zar’a al-Razza, one of the maintenance of the world, what is the grace of God in it and what to say? He said: I saw what the sleeping person was in the mosque of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – as if I were wiping my hands on the pulpit of the Prophet – peace be upon him –
The position of the seat and the next one, which I then grabbed, and his story on a man of the people of Sjestan was with us freely. He said: This is you talking about the Prophet – peace be upon him – and companions and followers and then I do not save a lot of issues of the goats and the owner and the bulls and others, and then I was after him (2).
And realized the vision and became one of the people to keep talking until Imam Ahmad said: it saves more than six hundred thousand Hadith
A dream and interpretation of a vision that he saw to be one of the people who saved the talk, he saw that it is someone who saves people to talk was like you
101 – The Imam, the modern imam of Abu Zar’a al-Razza, one of the maintenance of the world, what is the grace of God in it and what to say? He said: I saw what the sleeping person was in the mosque of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – as if I were wiping my hands on the pulpit of the Prophet – peace be upon him –
The position of the seat and the next one, which I then grabbed, and his story on a man of the people of Sjestan was with us freely. He said: This is you talking about the Prophet – peace be upon him – and companions and followers and then I do not save a lot of issues of the goats and the owner and the bulls and others, and then I was after him (2).
And realized the vision and became one of the people to keep talking until Imam Ahmad said: it saves more than six hundred thousand Hadith