حلم و تأويل رؤيا رؤيا أسعد بن زرارة
حلم و تأويل رؤيا رؤيا أسعد بن زرارة
حلم و تأويل رؤيا رؤيا أسعد بن زرارة 54 – عن حرام بن عثمان الأنصاري قال : قدم أسعد بن زرارة من الشام تاجراً في أربعين رجلاً من قومة فرأي رؤيا أن آتياً أتاه فقال : إن يخرج بمكة با أبا أمامة فأتبعه ، وآيه ذلك أنكم تنزلون منزلاً فيضاب أصحابك فتنجو أنت وفلان يطعن في عينه ، فنزلوا منزلاً فبيتهم الطاعون فأصيبوا جميعاً غير أبي أمامة وصاحب له طعن في عينه (2) ، وتحقق ما رآه وأسلم – رضي الله عنه – .
hulm w tawil ruya ruyaan ‘asead bin zrar hulm w tawil rawya rawyaan ‘asead bin zrart 54 – ean haram bin euthman al’ansarii qal : qadam ‘asead bin zrart min alshsham tajraan fi ‘arbaein rjlaan min qawmat fara’ayin rwya ‘ana atyaan ‘atah faqal : ‘iin yakhruj bamkatan ba ‘aba ‘amamatan fa’atbaeah , wayah dhlk ‘anakum tunzilun mnzlaan fyudab ‘ashabik ftnjw ‘ant wafulan yataean fi eaynuh , fanaziluu mnzlaan fabayatahum alttaeun fa’usibuu jmyeaan ghyr ‘abiin ‘amamat wasahib lah tien fi eaynuh (2) , watahaqaq ma rah waslm – radia allah eanh – .
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Dream and interpretation vision vision Asaad bin Zerara
Dream and interpretation vision vision Asaad bin Zerara 54 – from Haram bin Osman Ansari said: Asaad bin Zerara of the Levant merchant in forty men from the tribe of the opinion of the vision that came to him said: “Come out in Mecca, the father of his mother followed him, and this is that you are staying in the house and Vidab Your companions and Vtngo you and Vlnjp stabbed in the eye, Vzloa house, including the plague, they all injured, but Abu Amama and his owner stabbed in the eye (2), and achieve what he saw and the safest – may Allah be pleased with him -.
Dream and interpretation vision vision Asaad bin Zerara 54 – from Haram bin Osman Ansari said: Asaad bin Zerara of the Levant merchant in forty men from the tribe of the opinion of the vision that came to him said: “Come out in Mecca, the father of his mother followed him, and this is that you are staying in the house and Vidab Your companions and Vtngo you and Vlnjp stabbed in the eye, Vzloa house, including the plague, they all injured, but Abu Amama and his owner stabbed in the eye (2), and achieve what he saw and the safest – may Allah be pleased with him -.